Just What Kind of Fraud are we Really Worried About?

Normally, this is a blog about removal defense and, more broadly, immigration-related litigation. Even so, I wanted to discuss an issue that's been on my mind a lot the last couple of years using an issue I've been seeing in family-based immigration, not litigation. Since Trump took office, there have been numerous immigration-related policies and proposals that have taken the news by fire. From the Muslim ban to family separation, there are a ridiculous number of cruel actions that justifiably stir up shock and anger. They have motivated thousands to take to the streets and demand change. They have inspired lawsuits. That's a good thing. We shouldn't be okay with cruelty in any form. Yet, while attention has been focused on these horrific activities, the administration and its employees in the immigration agencies have also silently been implementing changes, policies, presumptions and attitudes that will and do have devastating effects. Mo...