What to Watch for in Immigration - Week of June 16, 2014
Did Cantor's defeat in the primary expose a GOP divide over immigration? According to RNC Chair Reince Preibus, the answer is a resounding no . Preibus obviously didn't let Senator Lindsey Graham know there isn't a divide, as the pro-immigration reform senator from South Carolina took to Face the Nation on Sunday, asking Republicans not to be "delusional" about immigration reform. Graham was not alone. Senator Jeff Sessions , Speaker of the House John Boehner , the Wall Street Journal and Mr. Cantor himself all expressed contrary views on the subject. Former border patrol Agents claim immigration crisis is "contrived." Speaking of delusional, former officers of Customs & Border Protection claimed the current waive of children fleeing Central America for the United States made the trip with "the encouragement, aid and assistance of the United States government." Apparently, the transfer of children from Central America "h...