
Showing posts from April, 2012

Parole in Place for Families of U.S. Military Service Men & Women

One would think that if our politicians could come to an agreement on any form of immigration reform, it would involve benefits for the families of those willing to lay down their lives for the benefit of our country. Sadly, such is not the case. However, in the last couple of years, the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) has begun conferring some benefits to military members and their families. One such benefit is parole in place. Why Parole in Place? In most cases, individuals who enter the United States without inspection cannot apply for adjustment of status from within the United States even if they have married a U.S. citizen. Instead, they must return to their home countries where they apply for and are interviewed for admission into the United States. Known as consular processing, this ordeal can lead to very lengthy family separations. Parole in place is a process that allows immediate relatives of active duty military servicemen and women to remain in ...